In May, the children began decorating and filling snack bags for families at The Inn Project. This simple practice of doing for others helps the children to experience service in a way that builds community and empowers them to know they can make a positive difference in others’ lives. This service project will continue through out the summer. Members of Saint Francis have been generous in donations to support this effort and we hope you will continue your support with donations of boxes of juice, bars, and individually wrapped cookies.
We live in chaotic times, and Mindfulness is a tool that can help us all navigate the road ahead. It is about paying attention, being present, building resilience and reconnecting to our curiosity. In June, the children will explore mindfulness through different games and activities.
A warm welcome to Maya Curry who will be helping with Sunday School. Maya grew up coming to Saint Francis and is now a teenager looking to volunteer this summer.
St. Francis in the Foothills United Methodist Church