ProFuture Faith
8 week series of DVD & Discussion
by Michael Dowd
“Ecology is the heart of theology.”
Sunday, June 16th
Week 1
Un-Trivializing God:
Reality as Thou
10:30 am in the Celebration Center
We can re-imagine our relationship to the divine and to our environment by seeing God as primary reality, not a separate being, not magical but imbued in all of Nature.
Care Ministries
Do you want to be a Stephen Minister
Care receiver?
We are here to listen, encourage, and provide confidential emotional and spiritual support.
We've received 50 hours of special training to provide one-on-one "conversational care" to those who are experiencing life's challenges like grief, loneliness, divorce/separation, chronic illness, and other life changes.
Our services are donated - without charge and without obligation - ever!
Do you want to become
a Stephen Minister?
Every Stephen Minister provides compassion and agape love for another and receives so much more in return. If you can give an hour each week to a person who could use someone to talk to or who needs a friend, please consider Stephen Minister training.
Contact Joyce Leissring through the office at (520) 299-9063. Stephen Ministry at St. Francis needs someone like you!
The Care
In 2015, St. Francis created a Mental Health Ministry. It focuses on three areas:
Education to reduce the stigma of mental illness.
Assistance with resources for those with mental illness and their loved ones.
Advocacy for more mental health programs and treatments.
We know that people with mental illness are not strangers. They are our family members, our co-workers, our faith companions and sometimes, ourselves. Statistics indicate that nearly one half of all Americans will develop mental illness during their lifetimes, and most will not seek or receive the help they need. St. Francis hopes to change that.
The Care Team provides basic spiritual, emotional support directly to the congregation of Saint Francis and constituents.
Sending cards, personal visits, a heartful listening presence and a casserole if needed.
To reach Care Team please email Shar at
In our congregation, our community and in the world!
To volunteer for any of these ministries, please contact the office at (520) 299-9063. For a description, click on the images.