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A Word From Our Pastor
As I write this message, many changes are taking place in our federal government that are creating fear and discomfort. Equity and inclusion programs are being eliminated, federal staff positions are being politicized, immigration policies that promote xenophobia are being developed, and economic policies that threaten the stability of world trade are being pursued.
While these efforts provoke anxiety and have the potential to harm our community in other ways, we can take comfort in knowing that we are not alone. The church is founded upon Christ's teachings, which promote equity, acceptance, hospitality to the stranger, and compassion for the disenfranchised. We are a community with no geographical boundaries, and our focus is to elevate the poor rather than the powerful and wealthy.

So, let us remember the hope that comes with knowing that we are part of a much larger body focused on loving rather than defeating. When the opportunity arises, let us comfort the persecuted and provide sustenance to those in need. Let us listen with compassion and offer our stories with the understanding that we are heard, not only by our neighbors, but also by God. In the long run, the times of greed and hate will pass, and the love of God, which has no bounds, will overcome the darkness.
Peace and blessings,
Pastor Mike
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