ProFuture Faith
8 week series of DVD & Discussion
by Michael Dowd
“Ecology is the heart of theology.”
Sunday, June 16th
Week 1
Un-Trivializing God:
Reality as Thou
10:30 am in the Celebration Center
We can re-imagine our relationship to the divine and to our environment by seeing God as primary reality, not a separate being, not magical but imbued in all of Nature.
Sunday School
Explore With Us
For Kids both big & small
Sunday School in September: God Artist Creatrix
God's creativity is like a big, colorful picture that keeps growing and changing. It's in everything around us and inside us too!
Each one of us is a special part of God's artwork, made with love and care. Just like a painting, a dance or a sculpture, we are all unique and important.
God’s creativity is in the beautiful plants, the animals, the stars, and everything in the world.
We can help make the world more loving and beautiful by using our creativity. When we create, we are working with God to make the world a better place.
2 Corinthians 5:17
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!”
Time for Children of All Ages
Sunday School in the Celebration Center
Activity: Butterfly Tessellation (A tessellation is a pattern of shapes that fit together perfectly,
without any gaps.)
Time for Children of All Ages: Like butterflies we change and grow. Every stage, even the messy ones—are part of our journey!
Sunday School: “Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Romans 12:2l
From caterpillar to mush to butterfly.
Activity: The Science of change. Through a science exploration we will learn about change and how change is a spiritual practice.
Time for Children of All Ages: God as Artist
Sunday School: Art lesson with Guest Teacher Virgina Encila. Symmetry, Shape, Silhouette.
Activity: Creating butterfly art.
Time for Children of All Ages: Eco Lesson
Sunday School: “God saw all that they had made, and it was very good.” Gen 1:31 Why butterflies are important. Good butterfly stewardship
Activity: Seedballs
Time for Children of All Ages: Presentation of the Mural
Sunday School: Butterfly Party.
Activity: Celebration of Butterflies and special appreciations of Sunday School Teachers and helpers.
For You
On Communion Sundays
The first Sunday of the month. The kids will stay for the Celebration. Quiet activities will the offered.
Children's Time
during Sunday Service
The Children's Team will read books, share words of wisdom and sometimes put on a puppet show! The kids will leave after Children’s time in the 9:30 Service. Please pick your child from the Sunday School Room after the service.
Registration is required
If you have any questions, concerns, hopes or suggestions, please email
Send us pictures of your explorations!
Blessing to you!
Shar Aslaksen,
Programs Coordinator