Since 1981, the Casa Maria Soup Kitchen in South Tucson has been providing daily meals to people living with food insecurity. St. Francis has been part of this hunger ministry from the beginning. Every four weeks, on a Saturday morning, volunteers from our community cook up pots of nutritious chili and serve it to those in need.
As Margie Olson steps down after four years as volunteer coordinator for the Casa Maria program, a new group of volunteers have stepped up to the plate. Beginning in October, we welcome Beth Acree, who will handle email communication and scheduling; George Campbell and Debbie Kornmiller who will be doing the shopping for needed monthly supplies; and George Campbell, Karl Titz and Allison Pallack, who will alternate as Team Leaders on our Saturday morning cooking dates. Thanks to all of them for ensuring that St. Francis’ long term commitment to Casa Maria will continue!
And our most grateful thanks to Margie Olson for all the work she has done. Margie kept the program alive during the COVID pandemic by organizing a very successful sandwich brigade, and has been instrumental in promoting St. Francis' vision of helping in the Community. Thank you Margie!
Casa Maria is located at 352 E. 25th Street and is open everyday from 8:30 am to 11:30 am. For information about volunteering, call the church office at 299-9063.