Adult Education, at St Francis, is back and
going strong on Sunday mornings
after the second service.
We would like to hear from you about
what you would like to see presented.
Please take the following short survey (3-5 minutes)
by clicking on the link below.
We also want to hear from those who have a passion
for a topic that falls within the four categories
of adult education:
Spiritual Formation focuses on the development of our personal resources to live in accord with our understanding of the Spirit Force of the Universe.
Theological Exploration helps us understand the depth of our faiths and the meaning of our existence.
Social Justice shows us new paths of Love in Action in our world -for our fellow humans and for the well-being of the earth.
Life Skills provides tools by which to grow in spirit, mind, and body with others in our community.
Thank you for your input and support
of continuing and engaging
Adult Education at St. Francis!